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AA Hotline for Genesee & Wyoming Counties

24 Hr Toll Free: (888)854-8322

For meeting list changes and updates please email at:


Genesee-Wyoming Intergrouop

PO Box 712, Batavia, NY 14021



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This website is neither endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc. It is provided solely by Genesee Wyoming InterGroup of Alcoholics Anonymous as part of its 12-Step work in reaching out to the alcoholic who still suffers. Some of the items on this page were originally published by AA World Services, but do not assume that this implies continued approval by the General Service Conference for their use in these pages. Alcoholics Anonymous®, AA®, and The Big Book® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine® and AA Grapevine® are registered trademarks of The AA Grapevine, Inc. ©Alcoholics Anonymous - Genesee Wyoming Intergroup

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